Fix installed gantries

Designed for individual application

Each bridge presents individual conditions when it comes to inspection and maintenance issues. Safety of traffic or particularly high traffic volume play an important role when selecting the system to be applied. The application of truck-based mobile inspection units is not always feasible or reasonable. This exactly is the situation when the MOOG MBU series is applied.

Reasons for a fixed system:

  • High traffic volume: Even blockage of only one lane is hardly possible during inspection
  • Narrow lanes: A truck-based mobile inspection unit would create too large obstructions or even blockages
  • Width of bridges: The width of the bridge cannot be inspected completely even with the largest mobile unit
  • Weight limitations: Driving onto the bridge with mobile inspection systems is impossible due to weight restriction


Our experience enables technical realizations beyond competition.

Two MBS 115 under-bridge units were delivered to the German Railway in 2013. With the help of their equipment additions these units allow access to nearly all viaducts. The erection and retraction of the machines has to be done at night during the down time of the train network and with deactivated overhead powered lines. The inspection and maintenance work can be performed while the trains are moving on their regular schedules. The horizontal reach of each platform is 11.5 m.

For the Stonecutters Bridge in Hong Kong 6 permanently installed inspection gantries were designed, which are setting new standards in this sector with their technical specifications. With a range of 29 m on 4 m width and a load capacity of 10 tons, there are no limits for subsequent operations in the maintenance sector. A deck shuttle which moves within the bridge deck on a rail system completes the access technology for this bridge.

The Golden Ears Bridge in Vancouver is a further example. In this case, a permanently installed inspection gantry was designed and realized, setting technological standards with a length of 38 m and travel on rails with 10% incline.